Thursday, August 30, 2012

Friday August 31st

Upper Body Max/ WOD

Level 1:
5 x 1 rep Shoulder Press
3 x 3 rep Weighted Pullup

AMRAP 15 minutes -
5ea Pistols, 10 Toes to Bar, 30 Double Unders
*modify pistols as needed box, band, rolling. Toes to bar modify as Hanging knee tucks. Double unders modify to 3x single unders, 90 reps. Double Unders are a neurological adaptation which means it requires practice. Figure it out:)

Thursday August 30th

WOD/ Skill Day

Pre WOD Mobility: Work on your Rack position

Level 1:
10 to 2 Chest to Bar Pullup (by 2)
2 to 10 Front Squat (by 2)

Level 2:
5 to 1 Muscle Up
2 to 10 Front Squat - 205/135

Skill -
400m Farmer Carry - 70/53
Tabata: 4 rounds
Candlestick Negatives
False Grip Dead Hangs (bar or rings)
Handstand Walks

Mobility: Wrists and Forearms

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wednesday August 29th

Pre WOD Mobility: Work on improving Overhead position in the bottom of the squat. Keg Drill.

Odd Minutes - 5 Overhead Squats
Even Minutes - 8 Knees to Elbows
16 minutes Total

Interval Work: (Level 1 and 2)
8 x 200m Sprints (Rest 2 min between sets)

Post WOD Mobility: SMR Hamstrings, Static Hamstrings and Shoulder Internal Rotators

Tuesday August 28th

5 rounds of
400m Run
30 Box Jumps - 24"
30 Wall Ball - 20/14

Post WOD Mobility:  SMR Calves, Static Calves (3min ea)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday August 27th

WOD:  40 sec max reps/ 20 sec rest x 3 Rounds of:
Press - 65/45
KB Swings - 1.5/1 pood

Mobility:  SMR IT Bands, Quads, Psoas
Static. Couch Stretch, banded Hamstring Stretch

Friday, August 24, 2012

Thursday August 23rd


10 Rounds of 30 Double Unders, 10 Pushups, 3 Ground to Overhead